Longdapac Call for Restricting Excessive Packaging of Goods

Terminology and definitions


Overpackaging: refers to packaging that exceeds the required void ratio, packaging layers, and packaging costs.


Sales packaging: a packaging that is primarily intended for sales purposes and arrives in the hands of consumers along with its contents.


Interior: Food or cosmetics contained within the packaging.


Integrated product: a product that contains two or more types of food or cosmetics in its packaging.



Package Cost

Production organizations should take measures to control the cost of all packaging, except for packaging that comes into direct contact with the contents, to not exceed 20% of the product’s selling price.


Package laminated film layers

Grain and its processed products should not exceed three layers, and other commodities (including tea and its products) should not exceed four layers.


Interspace ratio

Packaging void ratio refers to the ratio of the necessary space volume occupied by removing the contents inside the packaging to the total volume of the packaging. For products with different net contents, there are different requirements for packaging porosity. But will not make it big.



Judgment rules


If the packaging void ratio, packaging layers, and packaging cost of a product do not meet the standard requirements, the packaging of the product is judged as excessive packaging.

As a leading company of sustainable packaging in China, Longdapac Call for Restricting Excessive Packaging of Goods


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