Europe is Pushing for Plastic Packaging Recycling

With the continuous improvement and implementation of the EU Packaging Regulation Draft (PPWR), in addition to the already implemented German Packaging Law, French Packaging Law, Austrian Packaging Law, etc., European countries will gradually begin to improve and implement their packaging waste management measures. The paid recycling of packaging will become an essential expense for major Chinese sellers entering the European market. What are the new developments in EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) and packaging recycling in Europe recently? Let’s take a look together~


  1. Switzerland will adopt a national recycling system. Switzerland is planning a national plastic packaging and beverage paper box packaging recycling system. Previously, the country had refused to accept packaging waste collection systems


As part of the “Collection 2025” project, over 70 organizations along the entire value chain, from Swiss manufacturers, brand owners, and retailers to recyclers and disposal companies, are committed to developing a circular economy for plastic packaging and beverage paper box recycling. Major retailers Aldi Coop, Denner, Lidl, Migros, and others are actively involved. The purpose is to introduce a unified waste recycling management system for plastic packaging and cardboard beverage packaging, achieving the goals of cost saving, efficient ecology, and customer friendliness. Therefore, in the future, Switzerland will provide a unified national garbage collection bag, which will have a unified color and size and be printed with unified information. In addition, according to Swiss Recycling, a Swiss umbrella organization, they are reviewing the unified recycling pricing system for the entire country. The funds required for the operation of the waste collection and recycling system will be ensured through the revenue obtained from selling garbage bags, the recycling fees paid by distributors, and the recycling revenue. All costs from collection to classification to recycling will be included. By 2030, the recycling rate of plastic packaging will reach 55%, and the recycling rate of beverage paper box packaging will reach 70%.



  1. The UK postpones the implementation of EPR packaging tax. “Manufacturers are not required to pay for their packaging recycling before 2025, which is one year later than the previously planned 2024. However, the registration requirements have not changed.”


Since the beginning of this year, the UK has begun implementing new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations, which replace the previous packaging waste regulations. The new regulations include plans to impose extended producer responsibility taxes on packaging. Now, distributors do not need to pay for this packaging recycling fee until 2025, instead of the originally planned 2024. In different situations, the recycling costs incurred by companies that need to fulfill their obligations depend on the packaging materials and quantities they place on the market. The higher the recyclability of packaging, the lower the recycling cost. However, the UK government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has pointed out that although the implementation of the packaging recycling tax has been delayed, distributors must register and provide information on packaging types, materials, and weights starting from this year.


  1. German Airport Plastic Bottle Recycling Project “Since 2013, the airport plastic bottle recycling project has collaborated with 8 German airports to create over 40 job opportunities.”


On September 3, 2023, we celebrated the 10th anniversary of the “Spinde Dein Pfan” plastic bottle recycling project at German airports. The project was initially initiated by students, and later Germany’s Green Dot and Stuttgart Airport jointly developed a specific recycling project. As a result, the “Spende Dein Pfan” German Airport Plastic Bottle Recycling Project was officially launched on September 3, 2013. The “Spende Dein Pfand” project has placed specially designed plastic bottle recycling bins at security checkpoints at eight major German airports. Passengers should clean plastic beverage bottles that are not allowed to be brought in before entering the security checkpoint. If there is no unified collection of discarded plastic bottles in this project, the deposit for these plastic bottles cannot be exchanged, resulting in waste. Through this recycling project, we have collected and recycled over 12 million plastic bottles, generating over 3 million euros in revenue and providing stable employment and income for over 40 long-term unemployed individuals. Der Gr ü ne Punkt Managing Director J ö rg Deppmeyer said, “Over the past decade of project operation, we have achieved satisfactory and proud results. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary, we are very grateful to all those who participated in the project, including millions of passengers who voluntarily delivered plastic bottles. In addition, proper infrastructure and the investment of relevant personnel have made it possible to create employment opportunities.”

Longdapac is one of the biggest 100% recyclable mono-material Pouches factories, it also take part in this process. 


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