Top 6 Recyclable Pet Food Bags Suppliers in Japan

A Pet food bag is the bag packaging use to pack pet food. They are normally made of paper or flexible packaging. The barrier function will help to keep the pet food fresh.

Recyclable Pet food bag is a type of pet food bag made from materials that can be recycled after use. The most common bag is: 100% recyclable high barrier mono-material PE pouches.

Today we will list the 6 best recyclable pet food bags suppliers in Japan.

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Top 6 Recyclable Pet Food Bags Suppliers in Japan


Company type: manufacturer, importer, wholesaler, custom print supplier

Year found: 1907

Main products: recyclable bags, recyclable rolls, 3 side seal bag, fin seal bag, stand up pouch, side gusset bag, flat bottom pouch, spouted pouch, shaker bag, sustainable package, PE shrink film, CPP film, recyclable coffee bags


TAKIGAWA is one of the first companies in Japan to manufacturing plastic products. Our mission is to supply safety and reliability.

We are currently supplying our packaging materials all over the world, which means our packaging products are fit for global standards. Good quality packaging products, good service, strong manufacturing capability are all make us success in the packaging industry.

Innovation is our key competence, we keep develop the highest quality products, and the eco-friendly products. Biodegradable and recyclable products are our key trend. Our direction is to make our future a better world.

Company type: manufacturer, distributor, custom print supplier

Year found: 1977

Main products: recyclable coffee bag, recyclable pet food bag, recyclable food packaging, recyclable flexible packaging, 珈琲豆袋, 衣料用資材, ペットフード用袋, 不織布


Found in 1977, AD Japan is a professional flexible packaging company in Japan.

We are focus on high barrier laminated flexible packaging materials. We are on stop packaging materials supplier in Japan. We can do design, printing, lamination, bag making and shipping.

Sustainability is our company core value, we focus on compostable packaging and recyclable flexible packaging. That’s the way to make our environment green in the future. We put lots of efforts to make the product eco-friendly while with high quality.

Company type: manufacturer, distributor, custom print supplier

Year found: 1937

Main products: recyclable stand up pouch, side gusset bag, flat bottom pouch, flat bag, roll stock rewind, packaging machines.


Our customers are large and small food manufacturers.

We propose “selling package design” to grasp consumer’s mind at the store

Based on the expertise, we design the optimum material composition for customers’ products and contribute to the safety and security of food

We will solve all the ‘troubleshooting issues’ in our one-stop package. That’s our mission.

From the material, from form, design, to various customers.

It is such a job that can be said “thank you” to customers.

Company type: manufacturer, distributor, custom print supplier

Year found: 1933

Main products: オリジナル製品, チアーパック®, チアーソフト®, FCカット™, SIP®, FBパウチ™, GAジップ™, チアーテナー®GZ, ソフトカートリッジ™, ソフトボトル™, ライフサイエンス製品, ポリエリート®

フルフラットバッグ®, バイオ医薬用シングルユース容器, 医薬品向け包材, 一般包材, 食品向け包材, 生活用品向け包材, 成型品 / 包装・充填システム


Founded the company in 1933, and he has been working consistently on packaging since 1949. We will endeavor to improve the power of manufacturing that is not changing even after the establishment of the product that is able to catch the needs of the customer accurately and deliver it to the corporate philosophy through the creation of the package.

This product is useful for safe and safe delivery of foods and medicines necessary for the lives of people in Japan as well as in Japan.

We will continue to challenge the future to be able to evolve into the “five years after us” in the future.

Please expect to go to Hosokawa Hiroyuki from now on.

Company type: manufacturer, distributor, custom print supplier

Year found: 1904

Main products: recyclable food bag, recyclable pet food bag, recyclable dog food bag, recyclable cat food bag, snack food bag, coffee bag, tea bag, flat bottom pouch, spout pouch, PE open mouth bag, PE valve bag, fertilizer bag, 一般菓子食品用包装材料, レトルト用包装材料, イージーピールトップ材フィルム, 詰め替え用包装材料, 保冷剤用包装材料, 工業材料用包装材料,


If you first heard the name “East Thailand”, you must have thought “what company?” Anyway, there is no product selling in the world as East Thailand brand.

However, we are making products that are very important to customers. That’s what we can say to you in common with any of our brands, sometimes foods, sometimes toiletries, and so on. We can make sure that our products are safe and safe and can be delivered to consumers by the plastic packaging materials made by East Thailand. Many goods, such as supermarkets, convenience stores, and so on, may be protected by the package made up of the unfortunate effort of East Totai where you don’t know.

Although it is a company that is not familiar, it is fortunate that I can remember the thing of such Totai Co., if it is able to remember even a little.

Company type: manufacturer, distributor, custom print supplier

Year found: 2005

Main products: recyclable flexible packaging, shrink wrap, frozen food bag, shaped pouch, fin seal pouch,


Dynapac Co., Ltd. was born in 2005 by merger of dainichi honshi kogyo Co., Ltd. and Japan high pack Co., Ltd.

I grew up as a company with a sense of existence in the packaging industry by learning the strengths of each other, and as a one company.

In addition to the evolution of it and AI, the growth of coronavirus is greatly changing the behavior of society and people. In addition, the responsibility that companies bear in order to realize a sustainable society is becoming heavy.

Under these circumstances, the Dynapac is recognized as a role to fulfill the role of “for the sake of the world” through business activities and aims to be an “eternal enterprise” that continues to be supported by society and customers.

I hope that you will receive further support from now on.

Or you have a better choice: To buy your flexible packaging from a Chinese manufactuer directly.

What Longdapac Can Help?

Longdapac is the leading flexible packaging manufacturer from China since 1991. We focus on sustainable flexible packaging as you can see below:

100% Fully Recyclable High Barrier Mono-Material PE Pouches

High Barrier MDO-PE Film


Longdapac is the first high barrier MDO-PE film manufacturer in China and it is the first high barrier mono-material PE pouch manufacturer in China. ( MDO-PE / PE and MDO-PE / High barrier MDO-PE / PE)

With this materials, we can make recyclable stand pouch pouch, gusset bag, recyclable flat bottom pouch, flat pouch, etc.

Longdapac recyclable high barrier mono-material PE pouches can meet the recyclability of:

Longdapac is a BRC and ISO certified factory with annual capacity of more than 25,000 tons.

And we are also a leading company of hevy duty PE open mouth bags and PE valve bags from 10kg, 25kg, to 70kg. 

As leading flexible packaging companies in China, basically Longdapac can satisfy all your recyclable flexible packaging needs, both standard and high barrier.



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